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Exhaling the ashes from acrimony, Totaled materialized in 2017 and recorded its ferociously blackened-hardcore debut album Lament. While lyrically ruminating in the abstract emptiness of the impervious void and grappling with a paradoxical duality, the audial gloom of the album conjures sorrowing burial strings that furiously discharge a punishing resonance, all wrought with crushing despair, depression, and scavenging hopelessness. Pummeling blasts and d-beats pound into orbiting shadows of pixelated black, beneath a pulverizing dense nihilistic bass distorted into a mournful funeral offering. Here lies a digested celestial nothingness, a symphony frozen in a cyclical noose, gnawed by the bacterial ether.
For fans of Tragedy, Oathbreaker, Full Of Hell, All Pigs Must Die, Martyrdod, and Nails.
01. Deplete
02. As Below
03. Eclipsed
04. Transience
05. Hypnosis
06. Desolate
07. Ominous
08. Bereft