Sadly the deadline on part two of my interview with Paco Hernandez has come and gone so we will continue his journey alongside The Masked Hunt next month.

However, during my interview with Paco I learned something interesting about the mixtapes that have accompanied these articles.

According to Paco the mixes I have been sharing weren’t radio broadcasts from M.H’s time on Mexican radio but were actually his own private mixes, heard by only a handful of people.

Paco informed me that before each broadcast M.H would compile a list of songs for each show and would the commit them to cassette tape to make sure they had the correct flow he was looking for. The broadcasts would on occasion be quite different from the original ‘demo’ cassette made by The Masked Hunt and so what we are hearing is a little more personal.

Paco also told me that since the disappearance of The Masked Hunt he has been the sole carer of M.H’s collection of demo tapes!

With this information it appears we will have new mixes to look forward to for a while to come.

Join me next month as I continue my interview with Paco Hernandez and wrap up the story of one of Mexico’s greatest unheralded heroes The Masked Hunt.